Posted by on 10/31/2024 to
LEVEL 1: Retail
LEVEL 2: Wholesale
LEVEL 3: Pricing for organizations that want custom branded products,
with the intention of selling to schools within their organization. We
manufacture all of our weapons products, allowing us to offer a bulk
rate for organizations, and the organization can still maintain a markup
when selling to their schools. You must manually request to start a
verification process in order to receive these rates. Once you are
approved, Level 3 prices will automatically show on eligible items. You
will receive bulk discounts, with MyBrand logos INCLUDED in the
pricing. Minimum $1200 per order. All items not eligible for Level 3
pricing will still display regular wholesale pricing for you. Please
note that bulk rates on custom chrome weapons must ALL be the same color
scheme to qualify. Bo staffs can be assortment of sizes. A minimum
qty must be met for each item for the order to be accepted. We work
with organizations to help create a perfect and unique color scheme for
your branding. Please contact us for assistance in designing, at no